Traditional Animation: All line tests, final outcomes and PDF

Task 1: Straight ahead animation.

For this task, I animated a small ball which transforms into a swan. Below is the line test and then the final animation I ended up with.

Task 2: Pose to pose, 3 key facial expressions/poses.

On ones
On twos

Task 3: Bouncing ball exercise (+making it into a creature)

The video on the left is my first attempt as the bouncing ball exercise.

The main reason why this was a failure is because I drew the bounce path wrong, the ground level for the ball wasn’t consistent. I fixed this in the second attempt, as well as the size of the ball. I made more of an effort to keep it consistent in the final version of this exercise.

Final version and the creature bounce animation can be seen below in the order mentioned in this sentence. (both are shot on twos)

Task 4: Pose to pose, ‘Debating’ character exercise.

Drew three key poses for the character to shift from one to the other for this animation. Since each key pose has to be held for about 30 frames each, I decided to apply a five frame boil onto each key pose to make sure that the animation looks less static at these points. (I redrew each key pose 4 more times to achieve this effect)

Easing in and out using animation charts:

This was the first time I’ve ever used an animation chart to ease in and out, and I like the result since it helps to make the movement look more natural. Next time I would like to try making my own animation chart to follow to make sure it is more tailored to the movement I’m going for (since for this task I used the one provided as a reference.)

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