Final Render, PDF submission and colour notes

Link to the zip folder containing all the files requested for the final submission is below: (the password for the padlet is ‘bunnyigloo’

I used a colour palette similar to this one to colour the objects in my scene, green for the trees, blue for the general lighting and white for the igloo structure. I also used a pale yellow for the glass window panes and the cube street light I made to go next to the house.

Two renders of the scene can be seen above, the second one was rendered before I decided to add some glass sheets in the window sections. More notes can be seen in the final pdf evaluation I wrote.

3D Story Worlds: Initial ideas, mood board + mind map

For this week I wanted to make a model of a house for my character to live in. (The character I created in Rotation 8: character design, please check the posts related to that to see more information about her)

Below is the the mind map I made + some rough sketches of my ideas of what the inside and outside of her house could look like.

For the mood board I collected references for both indoor and outdoor settings since at the time I hadn’t decided which I was going to model on Maya yet for the task.

I eventually decided to model the exterior of the house since that would be much easier to accomplish within the time constraints we were given to complete the task.

The mood I was going for for the environment was cosy, compact, cold and cute. I wanted it to look like a warm safe haven for my character in the midst of a wintery forest.